The Cost-Effective Solution: How Email Marketing Can Save You Money

Whether you’re a small business owner, an established retailer, or an ecommerce shop, email marketing can help you increase sales and build a loyal customer base. It’s also a cost-effective way to stay in touch with your existing customers and reach out to new ones.

It’s no secret that email has become one of the most popular forms of marketing, with billions of people worldwide expected to use it in the coming years. That figure has been steadily increasing over time; so it’s time to start taking advantage of this powerful tool and make it work for your business.

But before you jump into email marketing, it’s important to understand the different costs involved. There are several components to consider, including the size of your list and its quality.
Email service providers and email list management tools can help you create and send a variety of email newsletters, informational and promotional emails, and more to your subscribers. Some services offer pre-built templates to speed up the process of designing a campaign and keep your costs down.

They often offer features that can reduce the time it takes to create your emails and track their effectiveness. For example, Campaign Monitor Commerce, a dedicated email marketing service designed exclusively for ecommerce businesses, offers "drag-and-drop customization options" that let you move designs and other elements to your template without the need for any coding skills.

There are also services that include marketing automation, which can make your email campaigns much more personalized and targeted. These can help you send personalized content to your audience based on their actions, such as signing up for a certain offer or completing a transaction.

Many of these services charge a monthly fee for the use of their service, and some even offer additional features that can enhance your marketing efforts. For example, some services allow you to set up automation based on the time of day your email is sent or the time of year.

Another consideration when it comes to email marketing is how quickly you want your emails to be delivered to your recipients’ inboxes. Some services offer priority support, which can cut down on the amount of time it takes for you to get your emails out to your audience.

These can be pricey, but it’s well worth the expense if you want to ensure your emails reach all of your subscribers and are seen as consistently as possible.

It’s also a good idea to choose a company that offers customer support that is responsive and knowledgeable about the specific features you’re using. That way, you can rest assured your emails are going to be delivered as soon as possible and that you’ll get the help you need.

Ultimately, the best way to save money on email marketing is to focus on the features that are most useful for your business. That way, you’ll be able to find an ESP that will allow you to grow your email list and generate more revenue from it.

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My name is Gary warren and I live in beautiful Atlantic Canada. Throughout my working life I’ve enjoyed some incredible and somewhat unique experiences. From a very early age I was involved with the family business. My dad started a little shop in my home province of Newfoundland and he also had a modest farming operation as well. I essentially worked where and when I was needed. That could mean “trying” to round up some wayward cattle, offloading a tractor trailer or ship load of PEI spuds or even storing a load of hay bails in the loft of the old barn. We also delivered groceries all over our little town and at Christmas we would deliver a store calendar and a free turkey to our many customers. You won't get that from Amazon; right? ;>)

    Astonishingly 80 years later this business is still in operation and being run primarily by my brothers and one of my two sisters....

Gary Warren


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